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Obrona pracy doktorskiej

Mgr Urszuli Kwolek
Pęcherzykowe struktury polimerowe oraz oddziaływania polimerów z membranami lipidowymi

Seminarium im. M. Smoluchowskiego

Prof. Wolfgang Schuhmann
DNA sensors.

Seminarium Zakładu Chemii Teoretycznej i Zakładu Metod Obliczeniowych Chemii

Prof. Todor Dudev
Competition between biogenic and abiogenic cations with therapeutic properties: insights from DFT-CDM calculations.

Seminarium im. M. Smoluchowskiego

Prof. Wolfgang Schuhmann
Biosensors and biofuel cells. Electron transfer using specifically designed redox polymers.

International Workshop on „Bioinorganic Redox Control"

Faculty of Chemistry extends a cordial invitation to scientists and PhD students to participate in the International Workshop on „Bioinorganic Redox Control – Implications for Medicinal Chemistry and Environmental Protection”.