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Interdyscyplinarne Studia Doktoranckie SET

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"Fresh Ideas for Teaching and Learning"

który wygłosi dr Ray Wallace

Wykład odbędzie się w najbliższy poniedziałek (13.10.2014),
w sali 213 (aula Wydziału Chemii) o godz. 15:30.

Dr Wallace jest gościem Interdyscyplinarnych Studiów Doktoranckich SET.


Dr Ray Wallace, UK

This lecture will look at how we currently teach university students. There have been many innovations in teaching and learning but the traditional lecture still holds sway for a substantial percentage of the total delivery of course content to students.

Drawing on over 45 years' experience of teaching of undergraduates, masters and PhD students, Ray Wallace will be sharing ‘tips and tricks' he uses to maintain the engagement of students and keeping them ‘on task' in the lecture theatre and the laboratory. He will examine among other things the use of the voice, body language, visual aids and simple activities to enhance lecture presentations. Referring in particular to feedback from mature students, Ray will be sharing knowledge of what students really appreciate in a formal lecture.

In the second part of the lecture the audience will be introduced to three techniques which they might like try within their teaching sphere. The first involves assessment - Criteria referenced assessment of project work. The second involves learning/assessment – Student negotiated learning in laboratory work. The third is concerned with using an exercise in teaching undertaken by students as an aid to focussed learning and understanding – The one minute lecture.

Published Date: 06.10.2014
Published by: Mariusz Pilch