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IV National Student Conference "Closer to Chemistry"

We are pleased to announce that the fourth edition of the National Student Conference "Closer to Chemistry" will be held on January 12 and 13. The topics of the Conference include chemistry in its broadest sense, including an interdisciplinary perspective. It is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss, and make new friends. The Conference provides a ground on which students and doctoral students representing all chemistry branches can discuss freely.

This year, for the first time, the Conference will be held stationary at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University.

The Conference will be attended by 194 people, 101 of whom will have presentations: 24 short talks and 77 posters.

During the Conference, students will be able to learn about future development opportunities as representatives of Selvita and Ryvu Therapeutics, also sponsors of prizes at the Conference, will be present.

The Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Dr. Wojciech Macyk, and the Polish Chemical Society assumed honorary patronage of the Conference.

Scientific patronage of the Conference was assumed by the deans of chemical faculties of 14 universities in Poland.

Media patronage over the Conference is provided by the Society of PhD Students UJ, UJOT FM, UJOT TV, magazine WUJ - Jagiellonian University News, magazine Forum Akademickie, portal EDoktorant - z pasji do nauki, magazine Pod Prąd, portal Teraz Środowisko, portal

The 4th National Student Scientific Conference "Closer to Chemistry" was supported by funds from the Faculty of Chemistry within the Strategic Program - Initiative of Excellence framework at Jagiellonian University (ID.UJ).

More information about the Conference can be found here:

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